Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Strong Family

I sit here browsing through photos I have taken of my family. I have to say, we are one darn good lookin' group!!! We may be small, but we are all so close and that is so important. 2008 has been one of the most difficult years that my family has been through, but we've survived....whether we wanted to or not and we are stronger for it. I love my small family. I love that although we lead hectic lives, we still take the time to either call (Lynn), email (Nana), text (Heather), send smoke signals (Pop)or throw paper airplanes (Austin). We're all there for one laugh with, to cry with, to fuss with or just to simply be with each other. These are a few of my favorite photos that make me so proud to call you all family.

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