Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Eratic Thoughts Part II

Why does 2nd grade homework take well over an hour each night??? Thank goodness we have Friday's off!

Hmmm...Perhaps that is why I can never complete a book of my own. After working all day and then getting home to prepare dinner, assist with homework, bathtime, etc. And by the way, why do people always call me when I get home? I only have a span of about 2 1/2 hours before Riles has to go to bed after all of the things she needs to do. It's almost impossible, but thank goodness she has me.... Super Mom! Yeah right! I feel so much less than that too many times to count.

Oh and back to my books...I did actually finish The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks the first couple of days I got it. That was one thing accomplished, but what about all of the other books I am in the middle of? Why can I not seem to finish one and then move on to the other?? Does that say something about me? Am I destined to never complete a project, books, yardwork, etc. Do I get bored and want to move onto the next latest and greatest thing? Sounds like I need therapy for this one. Will check back with you later after I receive my counseling.

Book #1 Loving Frank by Nancy Horan - This is her debut novel about Frank Lloyd Wright, the famous architect. "A beautifully orchestrated rendering of the affair and the inner lives of its two love-torn pincipals. Undertated yet, dramatic, painstaking and convincing, this is fiction with the heft of truth." --Seattle Post Intelligencer --- The beginning of the book was okay, but by the time I made it to the middle, I was not into it at all. Therefore, I began another book (Book #2), Stephanie Meyer's, Breaking Dawn in which I eagerly anticipated it's release. The first 3 books that she wrote were phenomenal and I literally could not put them down. Breaking Dawn has not drawn me in as the others did. So that leads me to Book #3 that I am also in the middle of reading... "The Guy Not Taken" by Jennifer Weiner. Thank goodness this is a compilation of short stories. I've finished 2 so far. (I'm on a roll now!)

I'm hoping that I will eventually finish one, if not all of these books so that I can move on. I constantly see new books and want to get them, but I force myself not to pick them up. Repeating to myself, "you have 3 unfinished books at home. You have 3 unfinished books at home...." Sometimes that works, but sometimes it doesn't.

Well I'm off to make sure Riles takes her bath and gets ready for bed. The debate is tonight and I do not want to miss any of that. Lynn and Heather, I know you'll be watching! Text me when you feel a WOO HOO!!!


Mindle said...

I'm with you on Breaking Dawn. I am almost through the Jacob section and am hoping it picks up soon. I've found it to be just a bit too predictible. Was thinking it was taking me so long because I'm exhausted with little to no time to read after dealing with 3 being a 3 month old. I'm doing the same thing...reading another book, too....but i will finish it tonight. Then will focus on Breaking Dawn until I'm through it. I'm just like you, see a book or 10 every time I'm in the store and have to drag myself away.

How are you???

dixiefrog said...

Can you believe I probably have less than 10 pages till I get to the end of Breaking Dawn and I'm STILL not into it!! I think I enjoyed the Bella/Edward/Jacob triangle in the other books. This one was WAY too weird with Jacob and....I will not say anymore just in case you have not gotten that far.

I was in Target yesterday and ALMOST got another book, but this one was a book for Riles that I could read to her each night. Maybe I'll go back and get it. I think she'd enjoy the book as well as hearing me read her a story that will take a month of so to finish. Plus she'll be interested in it.

Anyway, things are good. Busy, busy as always. Had a rough day at the office today, but that's only because I am swamped. Everything else is pretty good.

How about you??? How is that sweet baby girl doing?? I know she is going to be spoiled rotten!!! Have your sisters been able to come out and see her? Have you gone home? I bet they're all tickled "pink"! :)