Thursday, October 23, 2008

Email Chains - Fun Game!

We all receive at least 5 chain emails throughout the day. Most I delete without reading them. Some I read and then delete, but there are a few I will forward on. The following was one such chain email that I did forward on. It was pretty comical. This is how the game went….


Describe ME in one word...just one single word. Send it to me and to me only.
Then send this message to all your friends and see how many strange &
interesting things they say about you. This is really fun.

Here's how to Play:
1. Hit the reply key and send me my one word.
2. Then return to this message, and forward it to your friends (including me)and see what people say about you when limited to one word!!!

Strange and interesting responses? Oh yeah! The following is what I received…

 Pleasant:
o Pleasing in manner, behavior or appearance.
 Hmm…I like this one!

 Gregarious:
o Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable.
 Birds of a feather flock together my friend!

 Optimistic:
o Expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds.

 Moody: (Who me???)
o Given to frequent changes in mood; tempermental.

 Bouncy:
o Animated; lively.
 LOL!

 Funky:
o Characterized by the originality and modishness; unconventional.
 I like this one!

 Outrageous:
o Highly unusual or unconventional; extravagant; remarkable.
 Girl, you are just as outrageous as I am! ;)

 Capricious:
o Governed or characterized by impulse or whim.
 Definitely impulsive!


Anonymous said...

girl u need to update that shit & come to the ville cuz its $1.89!!!

dixiefrog said...

Girl that was posted almost a month ago! This blog is a historical record. I want to remember all of this.